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Alt 19.01.2006, 19:05   #1
Herr Prof. Obermoserer
Benutzerbild von Walter
Registriert seit: 02.01.2003
Ort: Wien
Beiträge: 4.130
Otothyris - Systematik

Garavello, Julio C., Britski, Heraldo A., Schaefer, Scott Allen. 1998.
Systematics of the genus Otothyris Myers 1927, with comments on geographic distribution (Siluriformes, Loricariidae, Hypoptopomatinae).
American Museum novitates. 3222. American Museum of Natural History. NY.

"A revision of the genus Otothyris Myers, 1927, is presented on the basis of collections from the coastal river systems of southeastern Brazil. Otothyris is diagnosed among genera of the loricariid subfamily Hypoptopomatinae on the basis of autapomorphies of the cranial skeleton and caudal fin. Three new species are described and compared with the three nominal species of Otothyris, which are herein redescribed: Rhinelepis lophophanes Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889, is transferred to Otothyris under a new combination; Otocinclus cephalacanthus Ribeiro, 1911, and Otothyris canaliferus Myers, 1927, are junior synonyms of Otothyris lophophanes; we designate a lectotype from among the type series of O. canaliferus. Otothyris juquiae, n. sp. is described from the Juquiá River of the Ribeira de Iguape basin, São Paulo State; Otothyris rostrata, n. sp. is described from the coast of Rio Grande do Sul State; Otothyris travassosi, n. sp. is described from the isolated coastal rivers of EspÃ*rito Santo State. The species are compared by multivariate statistical analysis of morphometric characters, which distinguishes O. lophophanes and O. juquiae from O. rostrata and O. travassosi on the basis of variables with highest loadings on head depth, head width, and orbit diameter. We offer comments on the endemic distribution of the genus Otothyris in southeastern Brazil"

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