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Alt 05.12.2016, 17:40   #1
Baron Ätzmolch
Ich glotz TV!
Registriert seit: 29.01.2004
Ort: Wiesbaden
Beiträge: 885
The mitochondrial genome of Hypancistrus zebra (Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1991) (Siluriformes: Loricariidae), an endangered ornamental fish from the Brazil

The mitochondrial genome of Hypancistrus zebra (Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1991) (Siluriformes: Loricariidae), an endangered ornamental fish from the Brazilian Amazon

Magalhães, M.G.P., Moreira, D.A., Furtado, C. et al. Conservation Genet Resour (2016). doi:10.1007/s12686-016-0645-5



Hypancistrus zebra is an ornamental fish endemic to the Xingu river, Amazon basin, which is under the impact zone of the world’s fourth-largest hydroelectric dam. Illegal capture is another threat to this species. Despite its critical conservation status only two nucleotide sequences from this fish are publicly available on GenBank and on the BOLD System. Here, the nearly complete mitochondrial genome of H. zebra is described; totalizing 16,330 nucleotides, including the complete sequences of the two ribosomal RNA subunits, the 22 transfer RNAs and the 13 protein coding genes. The mitochondrial genome was assembled from transcriptome data, from seven organs, two individual fish, and to an average sequencing depth of 7245x. Seven nucleotide differences were found between the individual fish sequenced here-in, while four were detected among these individuals and the unique mitochondrial sequence publicly available. Additionally, 21 heteroplasmic sites were found among seven organs. This is the first quasi complete mitochondrial genome of a species belonging to the Peckoltia Clade, a Loricariidae phylogenetically problematic tribe. This genetic resource will be valuable in the efforts to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships among the Peckoltia Clade species, as well as it shall subsidize future practices aiming the conservation of this endangered species.
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