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Ich glotz TV!
Registriert seit: 29.01.2004
Ort: Wiesbaden
Beiträge: 885
Densidade de estocagem em juvenis Hypancistrus zebra
Densidade de estocagem em juvenis Hypancistrus zebra.
FABRICIO MENEZES RAMOS; HIGO ANDRADE ABE; JOEL ARTUR RODRIGUES DIAS; RYULLER GAMA ABREU REIS; NAYARA OLIVEIRA DA CRUZ; HELTON DAMASCENO PINTO; PAULO CESAR FALANGHE CARNEIRO, CPATC; RODRIGO YUDI FUJIMOTO, CPATC. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE PESCA, 19., 2015, São Luis. São Luis, MA: CONBEP, 2015. https://www.alice.cnptia.embrapa.br/...CONBEP2015.pdf Abstract: The Loricariids, known as cascudos or plecos stand out for the wide variety of shapes and patterns, which have attracted great interest from national and international aquarium market. The Hypancistrus zebra fits perfectly, though the species is in a vulnerable position due to over-exploitation in the natural environment, forcing the authorities to veto the trade of the species. Thus for the species to return to the market, reproductive technology and management in captivity need to be further studied in order to create creating protocols for conservation of the species in the wild and release of captive bred and cultivated species. Thus, the present study aimed to determine an stocking density for H. zebra juveniles. 4 stocking densities were used (0.25 g fish per liter, 0.50 g L-1, 1.00 g L-1 and 2.00 g L-1.) In aquariums of 30 liters useful during 60 days containing 3 repetitions each, fed the will with frozen adult artemia. The results showed that no significant difference in performance and survival in all densities. |
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"Reprodução in vitro e criopreservação de gametas do cascudo zebra imperial ("Hypancistrus zebra") como ferramentas para conservação da espécie" | Baron Ätzmolch | Sonstige Arbeiten und Berichte | 7 | 15.01.2016 09:22 |
Aspectos da reprodução induzida do acari-zebra Hypancistrus zebra Isbrücker e Nijssen, 1991 (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) em condições de laboratório | Baron Ätzmolch | Sonstige Arbeiten und Berichte | 1 | 05.01.2015 08:49 |
Growth performance of the zebra pleco (Hypancistrus zebra) with different food sources | Baron Ätzmolch | Sonstige Arbeiten und Berichte | 0 | 05.01.2015 00:48 |
Shelter selection in the Amazonian zebra pleco, Hypancistrus zebra Isbrücker & Nijissen, 1991 (Siluriformes: Loricariidae): requirements in rearing co | Acanthicus | Sonstige Arbeiten und Berichte | 1 | 04.11.2014 08:38 |
Suche Suche L 46 / Zebra-Harnischwels / Hypancistrus zebra (Berlin) | fire | Suche | 0 | 10.09.2007 09:08 |