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Alt 17.07.2008, 19:58   #1
Benutzerbild von L-ko
Registriert seit: 20.12.2004
Ort: 99427 Weimar
Beiträge: 3.673
Morphology of gonads, maturity and spawning season of Loricariichthys spixii (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) in a Subtropical Reservoir

Silvana Duarte, Francisco Gerson Araújo, Armando Sales, Nilo Bazzoli

Morphology of gonads, maturity and spawning season of Loricariichthys spixii (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) in a Subtropical Reservoir


The gonad morphology and spawning season of Loricariichthys spixii in Lajes reservoir were described based on 175 males and 613 females. Cells from the spermatogenic lineage were divided in four phases: spermatogonia (primary and secondary), spermatocytes (primary and secondary), spermatids and spermatozoa, and the cells from the ovocitarian lineage were divided in four phases: primary oocytes (O1), previtellogenic oocytes (O2), cortical vesicle oocytes (O3) and yolk globules or vitellogenic (O4). Five gonadal stages were described for the males/females according to oocytes and spermatogenic lineage cells distribution: resting (1); initial maturation (2a); advanced maturation (2b); partially spent/spawned (4a); totally spent/spawned (4b). Spawning was iteroparous, occurring throughout the year. Resting/recover occurred in July/August for the females coinciding with lower temperature and rainfall and decreasing water level. The wide spawning period was the part of the strategy developed to withstand environmental pressure and to get success in this oligotrophic and poorly structured environment.

Quelle: Braz. arch. biol. technol. vol.50 no.6 Curitiba Nov. 2007
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