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Alt 09.11.2018, 11:27   #1
Baron Ätzmolch
Ich glotz TV!
Registriert seit: 29.01.2004
Ort: Wiesbaden
Beiträge: 885
Viabilidade econômica da produção do cascudo-zebra Hypancistrus Zebra ISBRÜCKER e NIJSSEN, 1991 em sistema de recirculação

Pereira, Danilo Araujo Soares

Viabilidade econômica da produção do cascudo-zebra Hypancistrus Zebra ISBRÜCKER e NIJSSEN, 1991 em sistema de recirculação. - São Paulo, 2018 iii, 50f. ; il. ; gráf. , tab.

Dissertação (mestrado) apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Aquicultura e Pesca do Instituto de Pesca – APTA - Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento.
Orientador: Marcelo Barbosa Henriques

31 The Imperial Zebra Pleco (Hypancistrus zebra) receives great commercial interest in the
32 international ornamental fish market, drawing attention as critically endangered species,
33 endemic of the Xingu River (Brazilian Amazon). Considering that the rearing in recirculation
34 systems can provides a potential tool to conservation trough the captive breeding of aquatic
35 species and an alternative to generate income, the present work has the objective to verify
36 the economic feasibility in the production of H. zebra in indoor systems, in different scenarios
37 of rearing: residential (S1), retail store (S2) and large scale producer as wholesaler (S3). The
38 main profitability indicators used were: net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR)
39 and payback period (PP), considering the initial investments and production costs. The
40 selling price per unit was fixed in US$ 260.15 (S1/S2) and US$ 156.09 (S3). The largest
41 investments were made with the acquisition of broodstocks (S1/S2) and property (S3), while
42 the highest costs were labor (S2/S3) and impost (S1). Only the S1 demonstrated economic
43 profitability (NPV 8.50% = US$ 38,790.95; IRR = 78.91%; PP =1.51 years). Conclusion: the
44 production is highly profitable in small scales and questionably feasible in large scales by
45 reducing costs and increasing the selling price.

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